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Ozarks Traffic
The live streaming of traffic cameras in the Springfield region is currently unavailable. We are working to restore access as soon as possible.
Due to work being performed on the communications network, Live Camera Video and Incident Information will be unavailable starting at 6pm. The estimated completion time is 4 hours.
The redistribution of incidents in the Springfield area to our map is currently down. We are working to restore this functionality of the website. Thank you for your patience.
Camera views are temporarily disabled for maintenance. They will be reinstated as soon as possible.
The mapping functionality of our incident data is currently down. Estimated time of restoration is unknown. Click the headline for more information.
There is currently an issue with providing live camera footage from our traffic cameras. We are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
There will be a maintenance window for camera streams from 7pm to 11pm CDT on Wednesday, March 25, 2020.
There is maintenance on Camera Streaming Services being performed throughout the day 01-27-2020. Video streams may be interrupted or not accessible during this time period.
The northbound US 65 closure between US 60 and Sunshine Street should be opened by late Saturday or Sunday night, September 14-15.
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